Radionuclide detector under development

XCAM has been awarded a grant by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, to perform a feasibility study for an in-situ tritium monitor for use in bore-holes at nuclear sites. XCAM has already developed technology which enables digital images to be taken of samples containing tritium. This technology will be further developed during this feasibility trial, which will see the team putting a monitor down a bore-hole at the Sellafield site in conjunction with the Sellafield ground technical team. If the new technique is successful it will provide results much faster than is currently possible.
Feasibility Studies is a single-company or collaborative R&D grant scheme run by Innovate UK that allows businesses the opportunity to test an innovative idea and its feasibility to be developed and eventually taken to market. Feasibility studies are a way for companies to carry out exploratory studies which could lead to the development of new products, processes, models, experiences or services. The study could involve for instance investigating the technical feasibility of a new idea.