The XCAM control unit (XCU) can be configured to drive all commercially available detectors. The standard control units available are listed below. More details on XCU-A, XCU-19D and XCU-19EM can be found on the Literature pages.
This control unit is designed for low-noise operation of n-channel CCDs and EMCCDs at slow speeds. ADC options include a low-noise, 150 kHz, 4-channel card and a 2-channel 1 MHz card. The control unit can be configured to drive multiple detectors, in either a single camera head, or in several. The control unit provides all clock and bias signals to the detector down a cable, with coaxial cables bringing the output image back to the controller.
This control unit is designed for low-noise operation of p-channel CCDs at slow speeds. This is available with a low-noise, 4-channel ADC card. The control unit provides all clock and bias signals to the detector down a cable, and coaxial cables bring the detector output back to the controller.
This controller is designed for higher speed operation of n-channel CCDs at higher speeds. The system can operate a 4-output-node device at speeds up to 3 MHz. The system uses fibre-optic transfer of clock and image data, allowing a large separation between the control unit and PC.
This controller is designed for higher speed operation of n-channel EMCCDs at higher speeds and includes the additional bias circuitry necessary for the generation of the HV clocks required by EMCCDs. The system can operate a 4-output-node device, at speeds up to 3 MHz. The system uses fibre-optic transfer of clock and image data, allowing a large separation between the control unit and PC.